Look! Dolphins!

In many countries all over the world dolphins are considered good luck.  This could be because of their beauty and grace or a fisherman’s luck that where there are dolphins, there are usually fish to catch.

Either way, Zorba appreciates dolphins and his reason was expressed very clearly.  While on the ferry to Crete, Zorba spots a dolphin and yells his discovery with a child-like excitement.

“Look! Dolphins!”  Zorba cries.

The narrator, the Boss, gives a disinterested look.

“What kind of a man are you? Don’t you even like dolphins?!” Zorba retorts.

So, here is my “good luck” page to anyone who has looked at this blog and wants to travel.  Or wants to think about traveling or simply wants to dream.

Below is a list of links that I use.





Here are also some travel tips!

Travel Tips

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